Training on PowerPoint

The event is expired

PowerPoint training is designed specifically for teachers who want to learn more about creating their own classroom presentations. The program lasts three days and will cover a variety of PowerPoint-related topics, from basic design principles to advanced multimedia integration.

Participants will learn how to create visually stunning presentations using advanced design tools, such as custom themes, animations and transitions. They will also learn how to incorporate multimedia elements such as images, video and audio to enhance their presentations and create a more interactive learning experience for students.

In addition to design and multimedia, the training program will also focus on effective communication techniques, such as structuring presentations, using storytelling to engage students, and delivering impactful key messages.

Throughout the program, participants will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities and cooperative learning exercises that will reinforce the concepts learned.

By the end of the training, participants will have a deeper understanding of how to use PowerPoint to create engaging and impactful presentations that will help them connect with their students and improve their teaching practice.

Krijimi i prezantimeve

- Puna me programin për prezantime - Format e paraqitjes së prezantimit - Sllajdet dhe Master Sllajdi


- Manovrimi me tekst - Formatizimi - Listat -Tabelat

Diagramet dhe objektet grafike

- Shfrytëzimi i diagrameve - Shfrytëzimi idiagrameve - Shtimi,përdorimi - Vizatimi - Përgatitja - Verifikimi dhe dorëzimi

Event Detail

May 8, 2023
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Online, ftesa ju dërgohet më vonë.
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Shoqata Profesionale e Informaticientëve të Kosovës (SHPIK) është organizata përfaqësuese e profesionistëve dhe bizneseve që punojnë në fushën e TIK-ut në Republikën e Kosovës.