3D Character Animation Training and Mentoring

The event is expired

Our comprehensive 3D character animation training and mentoring program is designed to equip aspiring animators with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in this exciting field. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced animator looking to improve your skills, our program offers a comprehensive and hands-on approach.

Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises, you will learn the basics of character animation, including controllers and graph editor, principles, poses, walking and running cycle, weight animation and much more.

Throughout the program, you’ll have the opportunity to work on real-world projects, collaborating with peers and mentors to tackle challenges and improve your animation style.

By the end of the program, you will have a solid foundation in 3D character animation and be able to work on convincing and believable characters.

Hyrje në Animacion

Principet e Animacionit

Shpjegimi Gjeneral i Karakterit

Kontrollerat dhe Graph Editori

Ushtrimi i principeve : Ball Bounce, Pendulum, Animacioni i ketrit

Ushtrimi i pozave dhe blendshapes

Cikli i Ecjes (Biped)

Cikli i Vrapimit (Biped)

Parent Constraint dhe Animacioni i aseteve

Animimi i peshës (Weight Exercise)

Animacion - Attack Final (Check i Animacionit Final dhe feed back)

Event Detail

June 21, 2023
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Online, ftesa ju dërgohet me email.
Online Training
Ju dërgohet përmes email-it.


SHPIK – (Shoqata Profesionale e Informaticientëve të Kosovës) është organizata përfaqësuese e profesionistëve që punojnë në fushën e TI-së në Republikën e Kosovës.